Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Guest post on Freckled Italian

Today I've got a guest post over on Freckled Italian. I'm so excited and thankful for the chance to post on her blog!

The post is all about my love for the color gold. You can check it out here!

And while you are there, check out some of Megan's posts-- her writing is beautiful. I specifically love her Old Friend from Far Away posts-- probably because I dream of being a writer someday (and I own the book). Or rather, I should say I dream of being an author, because I guess technically I'm already a writer...

Have a wonderful afternoon! And a shout out to all of my new followers-- I'm so excited to have you!

1 comment:

Megan | Freckled Italian said...

Thank you so much, Michelle! You're too sweet. And I loved this gold post you did on my blog today xo